Helping youth connect with who they are, where they are going and how they can get there through self-discovery.
We know that the traditional learning environment leaves much to be desired these days when it comes to creating relevant, immediately applicable skills, tools, theories and critical thinking. This rings true most for middle and high schoolers working to prepare for adulthood and big life decisions. For this very reason, Hi-Lite seeks out opportunities to provide supportive programming that empowers young people to connect the dots and develop confidence through agency development. In our search for these opportunities we found out about an amazing school that provides unique exposure to local children and teens in the West Orange County area. This school is home to about 175 students who's families are seeking a different approach to education. Some students are home schooled in a traditional sense, others unschooled and some in a virtual learning environment like FLVS/OCVS.
The Lighthouse School is one like no other in the area where students can experience very unique classes like Mock Trial, How It's Made and now, the Hi-Lite Level Up Life Skills program. The variety of classes allow for experimentation, creative play, critical thought, collaboration and skill-building. "We are proud to launch our program in this unique environment and to see how this scales over the course of 16 weeks at all levels." says Jessica Villegas, founder of Hi-Lite and developer of the core programming they offer. "Students are really enjoying learning about themselves and they enjoy learning to evaluate their lives in a wholistic manner. It's something they have not experienced in this way before and you can see the connections happening in real time."
Students are experiencing the Hi-Lite program at the upper elementary, junior high and high school levels each with an age appropriate approach, but all using the same content. The current program being offered at the Lighthouse School is being run by Jessica herself alongside some other topics she enjoys teaching about; entrepreneurship, leadership and supply chain.
"We are half way through the semester and are very excited to how this is taking shape in the classroom environment. It's very different than how we have done it before, but it's working and the kids are loving it! We are so thankful to the Lighthouse School for providing this opportunity to us." shares Jessica.
Stay tuned to other big news as we forge and develop new relationships throughout Central Florida and beyond. Much more to come!
With gratitude,
The Hi-Lite Team